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Web Media Center

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(7 votes)
Price: Free

Includes a media player, a sound recorder, a speech recognition program and a text to speech reader.


Web Media Center ScreenshotWeb Media Center ScreenshotWeb Media Center Screenshot


Web Media Center includes a media player, a sound recorder, a speech recognition program and a text to speech reader. In addition, there are widgets for embedding Web Media Center features into other websites and blogs.

Player is an universal media player and universal playlist. The program allows you to play multimedia files (MP3, WAV, H.264/AVC/MPEG-4 Part 10, M3U, PLS, etc.) from your drive and remotely located, as well as audio tracks and videos from popular services like YouTube, Vimeo and SoundCloud.

Sound Recorder allows you to create an audio recording directly from a browser by using your microphone. The recording is produced locally on your computer, and you can record as many times as you need. When you have finished you can download the file. It also includes a voice changer, audio effects and audio filters.

Speech To Text is a speech recognition software that will help you write text using your voice narration and without typing.

Text To Speech allows you to enter any text into the box and listen to a computer generated voice speaking the output.

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User reviews

Pothos 02.15.2017 1:45:04 AM

Марина, список доступных языков зависит от вашего браузера. Из вашего описания следует, что ваш браузер поддерживает только один язык, скорее всего английский.
Рекомендуем использовать Google Chrome. Насколько нам известно, на данный момент он поддерживает наибольшее количество языков, несколько десятков.
Марина 01.16.2017 4:12:06 AM

Здравствуйте! У меня, к сожалению, программа тексты не читает. В окне выбора языка для чтения программы нет выбора, а написано слово "native". Буду признательна, если Вы поможете мне решить эту проблему

Full specifications

CategoriesMP3 & Audio, Video
LanguagesEnglish, Русский
RegistrationNot required
Installable AppsGoogle Chrome
Date added/updated04.11.2016

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